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#+-| 15.3.3 |----------------+################################################
#| +--------+ File I/O Table |################################################
#####| Buffered file functions facilitate standard sequential file input |####
#####| and output for text files.  Binary file functions manipulate any  |####
#####| type of file.  These functions bypass the FORCE database engine.  |####
###+--| Function |----------| Usage |---------------------------------------+#
###| f_close ......... Closes a file stream.                                |#
###| f_eof ........... Returns TRUE if the file stream is at end of file.   |#
###| f_flush ......... Flushes current write buffer to file stream.         |#
###| f_getlin ........ Returns line of ASCII text from file stream.         |#
###| f_open .......... Opens a file stream for reading, writing or appending|#
###| f_put ........... Writes text to file stream without cr and lf.        |#
###| f_putln ......... Prepends cr and lf to text; then writes text to      |#
###|                   the specified file.                                  |#
###| fb_close ........ Close a file handle.                                 |#
###| fb_eof .......... Returns TRUE if file handle is at end of file.       |#
###| fb_open ......... Opens any type of file - ASCII, binary, etc. - for   |#
###|                   reading or writing.                                  |#
###| fb_read ......... Reads data from a file handle.                       |#
###| fb_seek ......... Seeks to an offset within a file.                    |#
###| fb_write ........ Writes data to a file handle.                        |#
###|                                                                        |#
###| NOTE:Do not mix and match the binary functions with the text functions.|#
###| The binary functions (fb_???) use a handle to refer to the file and are|#
###| NOT line oriented.  The text file functions (f_???) use a FILE data    |#
###| type to refer to the file and are line oriented.                       |#

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